That summer Fred and I were walking along the streets of Jasper, Alberta when he spotted a French fry truck and he expressed how he was hankering for some. Being the practical person that I am I suggested that we go into a grocery store, buy a bag of frozen fries and cook them in the motorhome. We wandered through the store, bought the fries but remembered that we also needed some bottled water. It was when we went up that aisle we were bowled over for there stood Roland and Moni! There were shocked looks, gasps, "many oh my gods" from Moni and myself as we looked at each other in astonishment. There was much excitement as you can well imagine! They had already been at the checkout but remembered they needed lunch meat and made their way down the aisle we were in.
Just think about it dear reader, if we hadn't needed water or they didn't need lunch meat we might never have met up. We may have missed each other by seconds.
Because a light rain was falling we invited them for lunch in our motorhome and later hiked with them to Athabasca Falls. In the evening we sat around the campfire marveling over our encounter in the grocery store.